
4 Step Easy To Follow Weight Loss Plan

Easy To Follow Weight Loss Tools

Easy To Follow Weight Loss Plan

Most individuals who tried to lose weight, would agree, that at some point in time, they have tried to follow a program to lose weight but did not maintain their results for the long term. Why?

Did they stop dieting or exercising, or was it the fault of the program? What is the missing ingredient in most weight loss plans today?

Most people follow weight loss programs without taking into account a broader perspective of tracking changes, daily eating habits, exercise and other goals.

Losing weight requires incorporation of a much bigger picture. Those who have succeeded in their mission confess that it started with tracking goals for weight loss.

Here is a guideline researchers suggest encompasses the right strategy for long-term weight loss success.

1) Skipping Meals Can Lead To Weight Gain In The Abdominal Area

A common myth related to faster weight loss is skipping meals.

Recently, a study conducted by the Ohio State University showed that people who consumed larger portions once or twice a day are prone to develop insulin resistance in the liver, which is a condition for developing diabetes after a prolonged period of time.

The study was conducted on mice put on a restricted diet and fed once a day.

Similarly, people embark on a restricted diet taking small portions of food several times a day.

The research head of this study and the professor of Nutrition at the University, Martha Belury, suggested that there is no proven evidence to state that taking small portions of food throughout the day can put you at an advantage for faster weight loss.

2) Motivation And Realistic Goals Are Helpful For Healthy Weight Loss

According to the proven techniques proposed by the Mayo Clinic, inner motivation is key.

The doctors suggest that it is up to you to prepare a list of strong reasons why you want to make changes, along with reasonable goals.

Motivation is what will get you started and habit is what will keep you consistent when you focus on lifestyle changes.

It has also been proven after several studies that individuals who develop realistic weight loss goals succeed.  Fitness trainers and dietitians recommend losing 1 to 2 pounds per week.

It is better to attempt shorter periods of exercise with reasonable adjustments to your diet than adopting a too restricted diet and vigorous exercise program.

3) Use Tools To Track Weight Loss Progress

More than 85% of people suffering with weight gain do not succeed in the long-term.

The prime reason is that they do not track their progress based on lifestyle changes focusing on behavior modification.

Due to technology from smartphones, diet and fitness apps to social media, people today use tools to track their progress for weight loss, calorie intake, fitness and more.

Many are utilizing Twitter and Facebook to connect with like-minded friends and followers to keep themselves motivated about their goals.

The experience and success stories of several diet programs and weight loss techniques are scattered over the innumerable Tweets that come from real people worldwide.

4) Lifestyle Changes Contribute To Long Term Weight Loss Compared To Restricted Diets

For years individuals have attempted to adhere to dieting to overcome their weight gain.

Evidence was released from Bradley Appelhans- Rush University Medical Center and Sherry Pagoto- University of Massachusetts Medical study – ‘A Call for an End to the Diet Debates’.

They stated that it is healthy lifestyle change that contributes more to your weight loss goals rather than a diet plan alone. The report further pointed out some important facts in this regard.

The results from lifestyle and its impact on weight loss will greatly be influenced by the degree of adherence to the program or the duration for which they can follow a lifestyle change.

Dr. Lisa Young, the renowned international nutritionist and the Adjunct nutrition professor of the NYU recommends some important lifestyle changes to patients battling obesity.

These are tried and tested techniques that she has used successfully in dealing with various clients seeking her professional advice.

Cut Down On Portion Sizes

Dr. Young recommends her patients to cut down on portion sizes and opt for smaller portions. This keeps them free from discarding entire foods groups completely.

Create A Positive Attitude Towards Healthy Eating

Her second recommendation was to change their mindset towards food. Her clients were advised to  select healthy meals at restaurants like grilled fish, salads, whole-wheat pasta, fresh tomato sauce, and lots of veggies. All these foods are healthy, and full of nutrition.

Maintain Records Of Eating Habits

While it is not necessary to maintain a food record for the whole of your life, Dr. Young suggests, practicing such healthy lifestyle change like keeping a record for a limited period can be helpful in many ways.

It is often seen that those who maintain a record of food intake every day can identify more easily their eating patterns and make adjustments.

Meal Planning And Food Preparation

One of the most common mistakes is that people often tend to grab whatever is in front of them.

This often leads to the consumption of fast food. You will be amazed by making a few tweaks in your kitchen can lead to better choices.

Get And Stay Active

Every bit of movement burns calories and moves you closer to your goal.

It is not necessary that you go to the gym everyday spending thousands of dollars, instead stick to physical activities you really enjoy closer to home.

For instance, go for a walk in the early morning with a friend or family member. Similarly, if you enjoy swimming, skiing or other fun exercise activities the idea is to increase your mobility.

Keep Yourself Motivated About Your Progress

Dr. Young advises that smaller achievements that result in positive change rather than focusing on the fact that you still have a long way to go is key.

Healthy Lifestyle Induces Significant Impact On Weight Loss

The simple act of tracking your lifestyle goals i.e. eating habits, water intake or exercise is what will actually get you to where you want to be is extremely important .

Hectic Lifestyle 

One of the major causes of rapid weight gain and rising obesity is a hectic lifestyle. Late night snacking, excessive alcohol, smoking, lack of sleep and stress are some of the secondary factors to trigger weight gain.

In addition to having a nutritious diet, doctors recommend everyone to have at least 6 to 8 hours of restful sleep in the night to stay fresh and active in daily life.

The lethargy from work and everyday stress often diminish the urge for physical activity and home cooked meals contributing to weight gain

Stay Hydrated

To keep weight gain at bay, it is essential to keep your system completely hydrated.

Nutritionists recommend 6 to 8 glasses of water every day to regulate metabolism. You can even substitute water consumption by increasing fresh fruit and vegetable intake.

Engage In Regular Exercise

Early morning is the best time to exercise to keep the body energized for daily activities.

If you find it difficult to practice strenuous moves, choose easy yoga postures, stretching, meditation and walking for 10 to 30 minutes can induce significant improvement.

Healthy weight loss for the long term consist of utilizing everyday tools in your life that translates into healthy habits you perform each day. The #1 tip that will position you for success is having a positive attitude.

To start your path with the right tools to achieve long term results for additional information click here.

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